Congratulations on winning the
2017 Super Service Award!

The Angie’s List Super Service Award honors excellence among home service pros who maintain superior service ratings and reviews on Angie’s List. The 19-year-old award is a prestigious, annual distinction and is intended to recognize the best-in-class providers. Winners demonstrate consistent high-levels of customer service from the past year and overall.
Share Your Accomplishment

Press Release
Please use this press release to announce your Super Service Award to local and/or national media, including newspapers, television and radio. The template can be personalized to include your company details and contact information.

Easily display your accomplishment with your customers by downloading the official certificate. The certificate can be personalized with your company name and you can display your achievement proudly in your offices.
Super Service Award Logo Rules
Before using the 2017 Super Service Award logo, please review the Trademark and Usage Standards. Angie's List has strict guidelines about how and where to use the Super Service Award logo. If you have any questions about logo usage, please contact the Angie's List Business Center.
Shop Award Products
Log in to buy items to promote your 2017 Super Service Award! Purchase items like decals, window clings, plaques and other promotional items.

Logo Downloads
Start sharing your award-winning status by downloading and using these images:
JPEG High Resolution
JPEG Low Resolution
PNG 125x125
PNG 530x438
Only official 2017 Super Service Award winners are authorized to display award materials.
Feel free to reach out to your Client Success Manager or the Business Center if you have any questions. You can email BusinessCenter@AngiesList.com or call 866-843-5478 (LIST) to contact a Business Center representative.